Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day ?

Doing well...! A few days ago, I had an interesting situation. I ended up taking the kids out for ice cream to cheer them up after something else didn't work out. Kozhin didn't like his ice cream (??) and I was faced with a big thing of ice cream in front of me that nobody was going to eat! What's worse, it had nasty little pieces of chocolate-covered waffle cone in it. Blech! I ate a few bites, which turned into about half a cup of it, and, though I don't know if there was a connection for sure, that night, I suddenly was hit with a TERRIBLE migraine. The air quality was also horrible that day, and I was starting to ovulate, but I'm sure the nasty ice cream didn't help. Why am I even giving that to my kids (it was Dairy Queen--I think every once in a while something like that is ok, but it was just really kind of gross...)? So...I took Advil, which sort of helped, but not totally, and then came home and made myself some coffee...medicinally. What do you know--it totally worked, my headache was almost gone that night and mostly gone the next morning. I'm back to no coffee, which is great, because I know I can use it medicinally and occasionally and go back to not drinking it habitually every morning. In fact, knowing I've had some actually kind of makes me not want to have it as much. I was going to say it "strengthens my resolve" but that's actually not at all what it's doing. Before, I felt like for a few days there it was pure will power and teeth clenching that was keeping me away from certain things, but now it's a more relaxed feeling of, "why bother?"--there are healthier things to eat and drink instead. :)

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