Thursday, June 14, 2007

Doing Well

Doing well...again, that is, it's easy to forget that yesterday I was in an absolutely AWFUL mood! Since I'm not often in an awful mood, it's very noticeable (and disconcerting) when I am. I was pissed off about everything. Yesterday if I'd written I would have felt like getting into it, but not right now. Suffice it to say that without coffee and sugar to lift me out of pissiness, I had to deal with my emotions instead. They both certainly would have instantly caused the pissiness to vanish. Today was wonderful, still doing well with avoiding the tabu food and drink, though I didn't have enough time to cook today so everything was a bit snacky.

I still think I will do this (this strictly) only temporarily, repeating it in the future as a physical and spiritual cleansing, but I also anticipate that I will not soon go back to the point where I'll want to dip a dozen doughnuts in coffee in one sitting. :) Considering that oatmeal with butter and coconut oil or flax seed oil tastes almost sweet to me now, I think a little will be satisfying enough. A granny smith apple today tasted almost too sweet. Also I've been forced to cook and bake in new ways that I can turn to in the future out of experience. And maybe a single espresso with cream, in the afternoon, will be enough too.

To be perfectly honest too, I'm a bit weary of analyzing all this so much. I'm looking forward to reaping the rewards of looking back on the experience, and eating and drinking without thinking about it so much. I hope that certain things, like drinking lots of water, cooking more greens, and the increased conscientiousness about my teeth, will have become habits.

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